Gus Bekker, a Wildlife Biologist and Forester who has been a staff person for our hiking season the last few years, is offering Saturday night talks when he is on staff at High Camp. The dates would be:  August 13th, August 20th, September 24th, and October 8th. He plans to let the main topic of his talk be determined by the guests who are at Scottish Lakes that evening. He is a wealth of information and has answers to the questions many of us have as we walk the back country. The talks are one hour long and will be offered in the evening. They are appropriate for children and adults. “Large Carnivores of the North Cascades”is  a look at the natural history, behavior and identification of wolves, cougars, bears, and wolverines of the North Cascades. Tips on hiking and camping in bear country, the Gray Wolf’s remarkable comeback in Washington State, the sleek and graceful cougar, the rough and tough wolverine. We will discuss how bears prepare and den for the winter, what is the difference between a black bear and a grizzly bear, how fast does a cougar run, where do wolverines sleep etc.